Termostato Inteligente Certificado por Alarm.com que te Ahorra Más
Termostato Inteligente Certificado por Alarm.com que te Ahorra Más
Alarm.com es un destacado proveedor de soluciones inteligentes para propiedades. Han lanzado un sistema doméstico inteligente, el Termostato Inteligente certificado por ENERGY STAR, para reducir las facturas de energía. El sistema ha pasado por rigurosas pruebas independientes como requisito de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental para la certificación ENERGY STAR. El Termostato Inteligente de Alarm.com puede ahorrar a los propietarios un 15-23% de energía en refrigeración y un 9-16% de energía en calefacción de sus hogares. Puede costar un promedio de $900 calentar y enfriar un hogar típico anualmente, por lo que el Termostato Inteligente certificado por ENERGY STAR de Alarm.com ofrece a los consumidores una oportunidad significativa de ahorrar energía y controlar sus facturas.
A menudo desperdiciamos energía dejando el aire acondicionado encendido cuando estamos fuera de casa. Este termostato inteligente puede evitar que esto suceda ajustándose automáticamente cuando su casa esté vacía. Esta acción se puede realizar utilizando el sistema de seguridad de su hogar y una nueva tecnología llamada Geo-Services, que puede monitorear cuándo sale de su hogar y también rastrear cuándo está de regreso. Esta nueva tecnología utiliza su teléfono móvil y la aplicación de Alarm.com para activar una alerta, ajustando automáticamente su termostato según su ubicación actual y dirección con respecto a su hogar. ¡Esta es una excelente manera de ahorrar energía!
Otro gran beneficio del Termostato Inteligente certificado por ENERGY STAR es su capacidad para detectar cuándo alguien deja una ventana o puerta abierta en su hogar. Esto es posible nuevamente porque el termostato está conectado al sistema de seguridad de su hogar. Puede detener su aire acondicionado instantáneamente; luego, una vez que se cierre la ventana o puerta, todo vuelve a la normalidad. ¡Otra excelente manera de conservar energía!
Con la función Comfort de precisión, el Termostato Inteligente de Alarm.com brinda comodidad a cualquier habitación y no solo donde se encuentra el termostato. Utilizando sensores de temperatura remotos discretos, que se pueden colocar fácilmente en todo el hogar, el Termostato Inteligente de Alarm.com puede optimizar la temperatura del hogar para cualquier habitación en cualquier momento.
El Termostato Inteligente certificado por ENERGY STAR de Alarm.com ha sido diseñado para cualquier espacio inteligente, ya sea un hogar o un negocio. Combina un cuerpo elegante con los últimos servicios en la nube para producir inteligencia en tiempo real que promueve un ecosistema de dispositivos conectados. Este sistema doméstico inteligente está equipado con más información sobre su entorno, gracias a estar conectado al sistema de seguridad de su hogar, por lo que el dispositivo trabaja más fácilmente para comprender detalladamente las actividades y necesidades de los usuarios. El Termostato Inteligente certificado por ENERGY STAR de Alarm.com encuentra automáticamente más oportunidades para ahorrar energía sin afectar la comodidad.
Concluimos con una cita de Dan Kerzner, Director de Producto de Alarm.com: "Nos complace anunciar la certificación ENERGY STAR® para nuestro Termostato Inteligente de Alarm.com, que aprovecha la plataforma de Alarm.com para ofrecer características avanzadas de gestión de energía con ahorros comprobados para los consumidores. También hemos diseñado el Termostato Inteligente para que sea fácil de instalar y mantener para nuestros socios proveedores de servicios. Los propietarios de viviendas y negocios, así como nuestros proveedores de servicios, pueden adoptar nuestro Termostato Inteligente con la confianza de que generará un valor a largo plazo".
Para obtener más información, visite la publicación del blog de Alarm.comTermostato Inteligente Certificado por Alarm.com que te Ahorra Más - https://www.alarm.com/blog/save-energy-tips-smart-summer
Intercomunicador Hikvision IP de 2ª Generación
Intercomunicador Hikvision IP de 2ª Generación
La última oferta de productos de Hikvision es el Intercomunicador IP de 2ª Generación y Dos Cables, una solución que combina la comodidad moderna con un sólido sistema de seguridad. Utilice este intercomunicador en una amplia variedad de entornos, en escuelas, en el sector de la hospitalidad y en edificios residenciales o comerciales.
Su nueva generación de productos de intercomunicación es modular, lo que brinda una mayor flexibilidad y permite personalizar los productos. El Intercomunicador IP de 2ª Generación y Dos Cables de Hikvision viene con una cámara HD de ojo de pez de 2 MP y 180 grados con luz infrarroja (IR) para video claro en la oscuridad, e integraciones incorporadas para el grabador de video de Hikvision para la vigilancia, lo que permite a los usuarios ver el video en vivo mientras graban y reproducen en la puerta.
Esta solución le permite capturar fácilmente la entrada, el umbral y más, al tiempo que proporciona una pantalla táctil LCD de 7 pulgadas fácil de usar que también funciona como monitor para las cámaras de Hikvision.
La estación de puerta IP modular es elegante, asequible y escalable para aplicaciones de todos los tamaños. El intercomunicador también se puede agregar a los NVR o DVR de Hikvision como una cámara IP para la vigilancia de la puerta principal y es adecuado para una variedad de aplicaciones. Los visitantes pueden aprovechar para dejar mensajes usando el intercomunicador cuando los usuarios no están en casa, todo con un sistema de memoria incorporado en las estaciones interiores. Hay botones de etiqueta de nombre iluminados para aumentar la visibilidad por la noche, y si una estación interior recibe una llamada, la información se puede enviar a un dispositivo móvil.
¡Eso no es todo! Los usuarios pueden contestar llamadas en la aplicación en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar. El intercomunicador también le brinda la capacidad de controlar dos puertas en propiedades con entradas de múltiples puertas.
Algunos beneficios adicionales:
Acceso fácil al registro de llamadas e historial de eventos
Comunicación de habitación a habitación
Integración de cámaras de vigilancia
Supresión de ruido y cancelación de eco
Integración de teléfono SIP
Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto de Hikvision sobre este producto - https://us.hikvision.com/sites/default/files/manual/2nd-gen-intercom-brochure_digital.pdf
The Terrace por Samsung, Llevando el Cine en Casa al Aire Libre.
The Terrace by Samsung, Taking Home Theater Outdoor
El Terrace de Samsung ha revolucionado el cine en casa de una manera inesperada este verano. El Terrace es la última incorporación a su cartera de entretenimiento en el hogar como su primer televisor QLED 4K para exteriores. Actualmente disponible en Canadá y Estados Unidos, con un modelo profesional que se lanzará en algún momento de este verano para empresas.
¿Por qué elegir el Terrace?
Diseñado para exteriores, el Terrace viene en tres tamaños: 55, 65 y 75 pulgadas, y es elegante y delgado, con 59.8 mm. Como la mayoría de la tecnología de Samsung, el Terrace viene con características de Smart TV mientras que está construido para ser duradero y resistente a la intemperie.
Hablemos de lo Visual
Con un nivel de brillo de hasta 2,000 nits, el Terrace muestra imágenes cristalinas visibles en cualquier entorno exterior. ¿Cómo? Está recubierto con anti-reflejo y se adapta a los cambios del entorno exterior y mejora la visualización al minimizar los reflejos, disminuyendo o aumentando el brillo.
Hablemos de Sonido
El Terrace viene con una barra de sonido a juego. Habilitada por sus woofers incorporados, la barra de sonido del Terrace ofrece un sonido cristalino y profundo de alta calidad al aire libre. Independientemente de su entorno, es posible disfrutar de una experiencia de audio rica, ya que la barra de sonido cuenta con tecnología de cancelación de distorsión.
Sin embargo, aquellos que deseen un sistema de sonido personalizado pueden hacerlo conectando productos deseados al televisor Terrace a través de Bluetooth. Ya sean altavoces, auriculares con cancelación de ruido o cualquier otra cosa que se pueda conectar mediante Bluetooth.
¡Para obtener más información, consulte el Articulo de Samsung sobre el producto!
¿Quiere instalar este increíble teatro al aire libre en su hogar o negocio? ¡Llame a HomeForce para obtener una satisfacción garantizada!
The Terrace by Samsung, Taking Home Theater Outdoor
The Terrace by Samsung, Taking Home Theater Outdoor
The Terrace by Samsung has revolutionized Home Theater in an unexpected way this summer. The terrace is their latest addition to their home entertainment portfolio as their first outdoor 4K QLED TV. Currently available Canada and the U.S, with a professional model launching sometime this summer for businesses.
Why Choose the Terrace?
Designed for the outdoors, the terrace comes in three sizes: 55, 65, and 75 inches while being sleek and slim at 59.8mm. Like most of Samsung’s technology, the Terrace comes with Smart TV features while being built to be durable, and weather resistant.
Let’s Talk Visuals
With a brightness level as high as 2,000 nits, the Terrace displays crystal-clear images visible in any outdoor setting. How? It is coated with anti-reflection and adapts to the changes of the outdoor environment and enhances the visual by minimizing glare, decreasing, or increasing brightness.
Let’s Talk Sounds
The Terrace comes with a matching soundbar. Enabled by its built-in woofers, The Terrace soundbar brings high-quality profound and crystal sound to the outdoor. Regardless of your surroundings, a rich audio experience is achievable as the soundbar features distorting canceling technology.
However, those who would like a customized sound system can do so by connecting desired products the Terrace TV through Bluetooth. Be it, speakers, noise-canceling headphones, or anything else that can be connected through Bluetooth.
For more information, check out Samsung’s article on the product.
Wanting to have this amazing outdoor theater installed for your home or business? Give HomeForce a call for guaranteed satisfaction!
Hikvision’s 2nd Generation IP & Two-Wire Intercom
Hikvision’s 2nd Generation IP & Two-Wire Intercom
Hikvision’s latest product offering is the 2nd Generation IP & Two-Wire Intercom, a solution that pairs modern convenience with a robust security system. Use this intercom in a wide variety of settings - at schools, in the hospitality sector, and for residential or commercial buildings.
Their new generation of intercom products are modular, so there is greater flexibility and products are customizable. Hikvision’s 2nd Generation IP & Two-Wire Intercom comes with a 2 MP 180-degree fisheye HD camera with IR (infrared light) for clear video in the dark, and built-in integrations for Hikvision’s video recorder for surveillance, allowing users to see the live video while recording and playing back at the door.
This solution allows you to easily capture your entranceway, doorstep, and more, while also providing a user-friendly 7-inch touch screen LCD that also functions as a monitor for Hikvision cameras.
The modular IP door station is stylish, affordable, and scalable for applications of all sizes. The intercom can also be added to Hikvision’s NVRs or DVRs as an IP camera for front door monitoring and is suitable for a variety of applications. Visitors can take advantage of leaving messages using the intercom when users aren’t home, all with a built-in memory system in indoor stations. There are illuminated nametag buttons for increased visibility at night, and if an indoor station receives a call, the information can be sent to a mobile device.
That’s not it! Users can answer calls on the app anytime, from anywhere. The intercom also gives you the ability to control two doors at properties with multi-door entrances.
Some additional benefits:
- Easy access call log and event history
- Room-to-room communication
- Surveillance camera integration
- Noise suppression and echo cancellation
- SIP phone integration
For more information, check out Hikvision’s brochure on this product - https://us.hikvision.com/sites/default/files/manual/2nd-gen-intercom-brochure_digital.pdf
Alarm.com Certified Smart Thermostat Saves You More
Alarm.com Certified Smart Thermostat Saves You More
Alarm.com is a leading provider of intelligent property solutions. They've released a smart home system, the ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat, to keep energy bills down. The system has gone through rigorous, independent testing as a requirement of the Environmental Protection Agency for ENERGY STAR certification. The Alarm.com Smart Thermostat can save homeowners 15-23% of energy when cooling and 9-16% of energy when heating their homes. It may cost an average of $900 to heat and cool a typical home annually, so the Alarm.com ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat offers consumers a significant opportunity to save energy and keep the bills in check.
We often waste energy leaving the AC on when we are away from home. This smart thermostat can prevent this from happening by setting itself back when your house is empty. This action can be completed using your home's security system and a new technology called Geo-Services, which can monitor when you leave your home and also track when you're on your way back. This new tech uses your mobile phone and the Alarm.com app to trigger an alert, automatically adjusting your thermostat based on your current location and direction relative to your home. This is a great way to save energy!
Another great benefit of the ENERGY STAR Certified Smart Thermostat is its ability to monitor when someone leaves a window or door open in your home. This is possible again because the thermostat is connected to your home security system. It can pause your AC instantaneously; then, once the window or door is closed, everything returns to normal. Another great way to conserve energy!
With the Precision Comfort feature, the Alarm.com Smart Thermostat delivers comfort to any room and not just where the thermostat happens to be. Using discreet remote temperature sensors, easily placed around the home, the Alarm.com Smart Thermostat can optimize the home's temperature for any room at any time.
The Alarm.com ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat has been designed for any smart space, whether that be a home or business. It combines a sleek body with the latest cloud services to produce real-time intelligence that promotes an ecosystem of connected devices. This smart home system is armed with more information about its surroundings, thanks to being connected to your home's security system, so the device works easier to gain a detailed understanding of users' activities and needs. The Alarm.com ENERGY STAR certified Smart Thermostat automatically finds more opportunities to save energy without impacting comfort.
We leave you with a quote from Dan Kerzner, Alarm.com's Chief Product Officer, "We're pleased to announce ENERGY STAR® certification for our Alarm.com Smart Thermostat, which leverages the Alarm.com platform to deliver advanced energy management features with proven savings for consumers. We've also engineered the Smart Thermostat to make it easy for our service provider partners to install and support. Home and business owners, as well as our service providers, can adopt our Smart Thermostat with confidence that it will generate long-term value."
To find out more visit Alarm.com's blog post - https://www.alarm.com/blog/save-energy-tips-smart-summer
Sonos Breaks the Mould with the New Arc Soundbar
Sonos Breaks the Mould with the New Arc Soundbar
Sonos, pioneers of wireless audio and innovators in sound systems, introduces Arc, a soundbar equipped with advanced internal components and designed to provide a high quality, maximum music listening experience. Through its subtle, yet robust design, the Sonos Arc soundbar offers listeners depth, clarity, and richness compared to the best home theatres out there. The array of speakers it uses creates a beautiful center stage, while the left and right speakers create an amazingly wide soundstage. As a result, the Sonos Arc soundbar produces transitions like no other, showcasing what can only be described as a brilliant movie-ready sound adventure.
Most television makers are not focused on their sound system. They come out with bigger and more colourful screens. That’s where Sonos, dedicated with a bold vision for the future of home sound, comes in. They are known for making TV-ready speakers with excellent sound quality and the ability to pair with smart-home devices. The Arc may be the cream of the crop.
The new Sonos Arc soundbar is beautifully sublime, stretching 45 inches long and virtually the same length as the bottom edge of a 55-inch TV screen. Its slender design comes in black and white and includes three speakers for higher-pitched tones and eight woofers for mid-range to bass tones. The Arc fires its audio waves in all directions, so one could argue it’s effective at reproducing a surround sound experience. It is also a voice-enabled smart speaker and works well with Alexa and Siri via AirPlay. Just think, you can conveniently use your voice to turn your TV on and off, pause a movie, and adjust the volume. Believe it or not, you can even ask for details on the weather outside!
Another great feature? The Sonos app enables you to listen to music using the Arc. If you can afford a premium audio experience, the Sonos Arc soundbar is an outstanding speaker, worth every cent, and it turns any TV into a full-stop home theatre experience. This top of the line product is an excellent reminder that we watch films for a full experience, not only to be entertained but to feel a wide range of emotions. Sound is one of the best ways to reap the rewards of a film and the feelings it portrays in all its glory. The Sonos Arc soundbar does a fantastic job bringing well-deserved attention to the importance of brilliant and masterfully executed sound.
Check out more of our blog posts on innovative products you can use to build the perfect home theatre:
Captivate with the Lutron Aurora Smart Bulb Dimmer
Captivate with the Lutron Aurora Smart Bulb Dimmer
With the Lutron Aurora Smart Bulb Dimmer, you can enhance your Philips Hue smart lighting experience. Control the ambiance in your space without requiring an app or having to worry when your Wi-Fi connection goes down. It is so easy to use that you barely need instructions, so any visitor or guest knows how it works.
Featuring a clean, round design, the Aurora has two parts - a mounting base and a rotary knob. It comes in white, so once it is installed, it looks like it's always been a part of the room. Press the button to turn the lights on or off and turn it to dim or brighten your area.
Installation takes less than a minute. You will need a tiny Philips head screwdriver handy. Just turn the switch on, put the mounting base over it, and secure it with the included screw. Then, snap the knob onto the base. The knob contains a coin battery (CR2032), so when you need to replace it, pop it off. The battery should last three years, depending on use; the LED light inside will blink red when pressed if the battery is low.
The Lutron Aurora Smart Bulb Dimmer is a great and useful gadget that helps solve a significant smart lighting disadvantage for integrating smart lighting into existing homes. It may have less functionally than the more affordable Philips Hue Dimmer switch, but its simplicity makes it a more comprehensible solution. In short, it's a brilliant band-aid device, a quick and easy fix that can make the lighting situation in your home much more enjoyable.
Here are some additional benefits –
- Designed for use with the Philips Hue smart bulbs (sold separately)
- Smart dimmer locks the existing toggle switch and always keeps the switch in on/up mode
- A rotary knob lets you switch on/off the bulb by tapping and adjust the brightness by rotating, giving you control over the bulb even when Wi-Fi is not available
- There is no wiring required. Just install the smart switch in 2-steps by mounting the bracket over an existing toggle switch and snapping the knob on
- Programmable on the Hue app using the Hue V2 Smart Bridge
Samsung Brings Apple Music to Its Smart TVs
Samsung Brings Apple Music to Its Smart TVs
Samsung has recently shared some great news. They are now the first television brand to integrate Apple Music directly within its Smart TV platform. Now consumers across 100 countries can listen to Apple Music straight from their Samsung Smart TVs!
Access Millions of Song and TV Shows
TV models from 2018 – 2020 can use Apple Music, and subscribers will have access to ad-free music, videos and curated playlists. Overall, subscribers can stream over 60 million songs and thousands of playlists from their TV.
With the continuing trend of entertainment and wellness integrations, Samsung aims to deliver exceptional entertainment experiences to their customers. Their partnership with Apple has provided their customers with unmatched lineups of entertainment possibilities – staying at home has never been so attractive!
To access Apple Music, owners of Samsung Smart TVs need to download it from the Samsung Smart TV App Store and sign in using an existing Apple ID. There is a free 3-month trial, so you can test it out before committing to a full subscription. Customers will enjoy the vast catalogue, which includes original TV shows, trending content and exclusive concerts.
Experience the Samsung QLED 8K
Why not enjoy Apple Music with the new QLED 8K? This TV is a powerhouse with a resolution four times greater than the resolution of 4K, no matter what the source quality of your original content is. It uses Object Tracking Sound+ (OTS+), so it feels like you’re watching a movie on the big screen. With immersive sound, you can experience every movement in every scene. This TV goes beyond regular imagination, and your emotions will feel it!
To learn more about Samsung TVs, visit their website https://www.samsung.com/ca/tvs/ and contact the HomeForce team today to learn more about these products and discover the possibilities of HomeForce Home Theatre Systems.
Detect Intruders 7 Meters Away with Hikvision
Detect Intruders 7 Meters Away with Hikvision
Hikvision provides surveillance gadgets and vertical market solutions to consumers around the globe. They are ranked #1 as the market share leader globally for the past five years and are dedicated to providing global resources and locally-based technical, engineering, sales and service supports to its valued customers.
Elevated Skin Temperature Screening Thermographic Cameras
Announced on May 8th, Hikvision Canada has released a new line used to detect elevated skin-surface temperatures and more. The line logically named Elevated Skin Temperature Screening Thermographic Cameras and is available in several housing models that include a handheld model and bi-spectrum bullets and turrets. The camera uses advanced detectors and algorithms which can detect skin-surface temperature with an accuracy of up to -/+ 0.5 degrees Celsius. Using the Hikvision Black Body Calibrator accessory, it can reach up to -/+ 0.3 degrees Celsius.
In terms of distance, the camera can safely detect elevated skin-surface temperatures 7 meters (23 feet) away. This takes only 1 second! Another great benefit? All models can be mounted onto a tripod, although for temporary usages. Certain models, specifically the bullet and turret models can be mounted onto fixed structures permanently. The cameras also include sounding temperature alarms and a 4MP or 8MP optical camera. Thermal cameras are often used in airports but can apply for home security as well.
Hikvision is a leading security device provider and you can protect your home with the integration of Hikvision products. Contact the HomeForce team today to learn more about these products and allow us to help you create a safe and protected home environment.